It tells the story of a citizen who, tired of waiting for answers, decides to answer all the questions himself. It is a social film that does not pose a historiographical debate, but it does talk about history. Precisely about a very singular reality, the reasons why History is disconnected from its own protagonists: silence, fear, ideologisation... In addition to documenting a little-studied event in the history of European warfare, 'Stuka Experiment' also deals with the psychological background to any war: tiny, random, unconscious, cruel or cowardly decisions that unleash tragedies that add up to the infinite count of human stupidity. The moment the 66 photographs in the Freiburg Militärarchiv folder reach us, we understand that these abstract images of the province of Castellón conceal a universal reality and are a powerful document for telling a story that was crying out to be told. The whole story is built on them. Put in context, they are evidence that those were not just any bombings, but bombings with a scientific and experimental purpose.